The class is now working on making, identifying, and showing what they know about quadrilaterials. Some of the things that they need to identify are:
- what type of quadrilaterial is it, e.g. irregular vs. regular
- what kinds of angles are there in the figure (shape), e.g. right angle, obtuse angle, acute angle
- the lengths of the sides
- are the sides equal lengths or different?
The class is in the process of making an Advent wreath. Students traced their hands and curled the fingers ti make the wreath. The candles will be added tomorrow once everything is dry. Ask your child which colours of the candles go with which week e.g., the first, second, and fourth week are purple, the third week is rose, and Christmas day is white.
The spelling tests for list two have been sent home with your child for you to sign and return. Thank you to those parents who have sent them back.
During December the class will focus on Christmas spelling activities. You can check your child's Lnaguage Arts duotang to see what they're up to. Today students worked in pair or small groups to time themselves to see who could come up with the most Christmas lists for: Christmas Carols, Christmas Movies, and Christmas Cookies. Then as a class we made a list. Students are encouraged to research more ideas at home and add to their own list/clas list.