Agendas are filled out each night as a class. The work is written on the whiteboard, students are to copy the information, and then I sign the agendas. Please read and sign your child's agenda each night. Thank you to those parents who do this on a regular basis. It is key to communication and for your child to refer back to for homework and important dates.
Homework in grade 4 will occur. Students should not have more than 40 minutes of homework a night. Even if your child does not have homework, they can bring home their books to review information and to study for upcoming tests and/or assignments.
We will be starting our fourth week of school. As a class we have discussed the importance of using class time wisely to complete work when we are at school. For example, today students had one hour to complete a courage poster for language arts. This was an assignment that we started off by reading a story, answering questions (day 1 and 2) and day 3 was starting the poster. Today, many students did not have the poster finished after the 60 minutes. This is a task that I would expect to take 20 minutes in grade 4. As such, the posters would be for homework.
In math class we start with a lesson, then we move onto answering questions together as a class, and then students work independently to complete the remainder (this has been the back of the worksheet). Students typically have 30-40 minutes to complete these questions. If they do not finish their work, it is assigned for homework. I will never assign a math worksheet for homework that I haven't first taught to the students (or any other subject).
The class is almost double the size that the students had last year. During independent work I will be working with small groups or assisting students 1-1. It is my expectation that students in grade 4 will work in class to complete tasks. Students who are not using their time effectively, chatting, etc. will have more homework.
Homework checks occur regularly. If your child has incomplete homework they will contact you by a phone call home or a note in the agenda. The purpose of this is to keep parents aware and informed. In my experience, it is better to know ahead of time rather than after a test, progress report, assignment, etc. that a student was struggling. If homework is incomplete students usually have: 1) chosen not to do the assignment, 2) forgot their work, 3) had a busy night, or 4) didn't understand what to do. I would ask that you help your child with their homework as often as possible. If there is a reason that your child's homework isn't finished they need to speak to me at the beginning of the day.
Each day we take up math work to review and enhance understanding. If your child has not completed the work, it will likely set them back on the building concepts. Today, 14/27 students did not have their work completed. This is a major problem. It means that I cannot move on to teach the next lesson. Then the rest of the students that are ready for the day have to wait until the rest of the class has caught up. This also means that the test can have 2 options: 1) remain on the same day, or, 2) be pushed back. For the first Unit test, I will be moving the test to Friday, September 26th. The students are not ready for a test on Tuesday. This will allow us to get caught up as a class. For Unit 2, it is my hope and expectations that students will show me that they are back in the groove of school, and following through with their responsibility (part of the page 1 progress report mark) by working effectively in class and by completing homework when necessary.
Thank you for your continued support in your child's education.